Step 1. Download the data
Login to n2 and go to nQuire Click on the Download AllAssured button to export all of your client policies on AllAssured into a CSV file.

Note: you will be able to use this same CSV file to import the policies to Merlin
Step 2. Clean the data
You can review this policy list and remove those you don’t wish to import to Merlin If your client policy’s details on AllAssured are incomplete, you may see that some of the columns are blank.
Ensure the compulsory columns are filled in and there is no missing data, or else the AllAssured policies will not be imported.

Step 3. Import to Merlin
Upload the same CSV file (from “Download AllAssured” button on nQuire) to Merlin
Go to Merlin’s People menu, click on Import Policies button, then upload the CSV file to Merlin

Note: Please make sure that you have imported your contacts into Merlin before importing the policies. The imported policies will be auto-added to Merlin contact with the same email address.
Tips: When importing data into Merlin, it's recommended to do so in batches of 100 or fewer records at a time. This approach not only helps prevent errors but also makes it easier to track the number of records that have been successfully imported or rejected.